Hello visitors, today in this article we will inform you some data and knowledge about Stratolaunch. It is known as world's biggest Aircraft. An odd-looking-double-bodied airplane with a wingspan as long as a football field just took to the skies today (April 13) from the Mojave Air & Space Port in California. This was the first flight for Stratolaunch, which is billed as the world's largest aircraft. Designed by Stratolaunch Systems Corporation to carry satellites into low-Earth orbit, the craft spent 2.5 hours in the air above the Mojave Desert at altitudes up to 17,000 feet (5,180 meters) etc.. The plane reached speeds of 189 m/h (304 km/h) and performed several flight control maneuvers, including "roll doublets, yawing maneuvers, pushovers and pull-ups, and steady heading side slips," the manufacturer Stratolaunch said in a statement. The aircraft is meant to carry satellites about twice as high as this test brought it about 36,000 feet (10,970 m) at which point it would become a mobile launch pad of sorts by releasing the satellites and their launchers into orbit. That's because there would be no need for ground launches of rockets.
People feel pride for that Aircraft. We hope this can beat our future technology. Scientists are still developing this Aircraft very much. Scientists believe this will be more more powerful in future.